Hellas-Referendum ade?
14.49: The FT’s Kerin Hope in Athens confirms that the Greek referendum plan has been scrapped. She spoke to a senior member of the governing Socialists. But much uncertainty remains: the confidence vote still looms, for one thing…
14.44: UNCONFIRMED BREAKING NEWS Further to Kerin Hope’s update of on the brinkmanship in Athens (14.05), the Associated Press is quoted unnamed “officials close to Greek prime minister” as saying the Greek referendum has been scrapped.
Der Eurodämmerung-Song hat ihr LeserInnen um ein charakteristisches Lied zur gegenwärtigen Euro-Situation gebeten. Der Blogger schrieb:
Here is the best song:
Wer soll das bezahlen?
Wer hat das bestellt?
Wer hat so viel Pinke Pinke?
Wer hat so viel Geld?
Famous Cologne Fasching stanza. Best to be sung in Cologe dialect: Wer soll dat bezahle....
Who is paying that?
Who has ordered that?
Who has all the money for that?
Here is the best song:
Wer soll das bezahlen?
Wer hat das bestellt?
Wer hat so viel Pinke Pinke?
Wer hat so viel Geld?
Famous Cologne Fasching stanza. Best to be sung in Cologe dialect: Wer soll dat bezahle....
Who is paying that?
Who has ordered that?
Who has all the money for that?
Geheim-Zitat des Tages
According to Le Monde an Sarkozy aide said:
“We cannot stop the Greek to commit suicide, it is better they do it themselves than have Angela Merkel do it.”
“We cannot stop the Greek to commit suicide, it is better they do it themselves than have Angela Merkel do it.”
(zitiert im heutigen Eurointelligence News Briefing)
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